Prepare and protect your skin this summer – it’s more than just sunscreen
In today’s article will go beyond sunscreen and look and how our skincare and lifestyle choices influence the effects of the sun on our skin.
As we look at the effects of the sun and our skin we see a key aspect involved in skin aging known as Reactive oxygen species or ROS, these unstable molecules can cause oxidative stress that can damage our cells and affects our DNA, RNA along with proteins within the skin. This can contribute to the premature aging of our skin. ROS include UVA and UVB, pollution, stress, alcohol and smoking just to name a few.
When we think of the effects of simple day-to-day life we can see the benefits and advantages of antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E that shield and protect our skin cells from ROS. Along with good skincare habits, the best way to ensure healthy skin is with a diet that is rich in naturally occurring antioxidants. Foods such as berries, cabbage, legumes, kale, pecans and dark chocolate are packed with the nutrients we need to limit and reduce oxidative stress.
You can prepare your skin for the summer months by limiting the use of harsh exfoliants that can thin, irritate and sensitize the skin, opting for enzymatic exfoliants will remove only the superficial dead skin cells while maintaining the skin’s integrity, the stratum conium plays a protective role and when compromised it can lead to increased sun sensitivity and inflammation. You can boost the effectiveness and the benefits of your SPF 30 mineral and better protect your skin from premature aging simply by layering antioxidant-rich serum under your SPF daily. It incorporates an additional veil of protection to your skin that is ultra lightweight and perfect for the summer months ahead.
The VitaLift-C HA Serum when we are in our 20 and 30 or the Lifting Peptides Serum in our 40, 50, and 60+ are brimming with stable and bioavailable antioxidants that will keep your skin healthy, radiant and youthful so you can fully take advantage of the beautiful weather ahead.